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Double a suit over 1NT
- Question 1
(of 5 on this page)
You opened 1NT, which was immediately overcalled 2
. Your partner doubled. What does he mean ?
1. I have 2 unbid suits, Clubs and Daimonds
2. I have 3 unbid suits, double for takeout.
3. I've got strength to get them down.
4. Keep bidding, I have general unspecific strength
5. I'm re-instating transfers
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- Answer 1
(of 5 on this page)
You opened 1NT, which was immediately overcalled 2
( 3 ). I've got strength to get them down.. Your partner doubled. What does he mean ?
If he had general strength, he'd bid NT. If he had a suit, he'd bid it (or if he's advanced - he's use Lebensohl to re-instate competition, or to have a game investigaton). Any double after a 1NT bid is for penalties, even if not referring to the NT bid, as in this case.
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- Question 2
(of 5 on this page)
So, after partner doubled the interfering bid that followed your NT, how many of the enemy suit does partner have ?
1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 6
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- Answer 2
(of 5 on this page)
So, after partner doubled the interfering bid that followed your NT, how many of the enemy suit does partner have ?
( 2 ). 4
Or 3 very very good ones. He knows you are promising 2+, and LHO has 5.
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- Question 3
(of 5 on this page)
And, after partner doubled the interfering bid that followed your NT, how many points does he have after doubling the overcall ?
1. 6+
2. 8+
3. 10+
4. 13+
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- Answer 3
(of 5 on this page)
And, after partner doubled the interfering bid that followed your NT, how many points does he have after doubling the overcall ?
( 2 ). 8+
He needs to be sure you've got 20-24 HCP altogether to be sure of getting them down. With 11+ he might be starting to think of game, rather than doubling.
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- Question 4
(of 5 on this page)
So, after partner doubled the interfering bid that followed your NT, what's the worse thing that can happen ?
- Answer 4
(of 5 on this page)
So, after partner doubled the interfering bid that followed your NT, what's the worse thing that can happen ?
( 0 ).
The bidding will be passed out, so the enemy will be doubled, and then if make their contract, which will be doubed into game, they'll take home 600+ points. You need to be careful about doubling a 2-level overcall in a Major suit.
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- Question 5
(of 5 on this page)
What if the enemy overcall partner's 1NT with 2
. Is that safe to pass ?
1. always
2. usually
3. never
4. depends
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- Answer 5
(of 5 on this page)
What if the enemy overcall partner's 1NT with 2
( 2 ). usually. Is that safe to pass ?
The overcall might mean a natural 5-card suit, just like any other overcall, though it's more likely to be a 6-card suit after a 1NT opening. Or it might mean they have few Clubs: if it's a Landy bid asking for partner's Major. In which case you might double the Club overcall if you are long in them and (having top Club honours) would like a Club lead against a Major contract. Keep in mind that you partner must have 2+ in every suit.
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