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Overcalls, Bidding opponents' suit
- Question 1
(of 2 on this page)
Your LHO opened one Heart. Your partner overcalled 2 Hearts.
Whatever does he mean ?1. He has 6 strong Hearts sitting on top of the enemy Hearts
2. He has 20+ points
3. He has 5 good Spades and 5 good cards in a minor
4. He's confused, or drunk, or both
5. It's an unassuming cue bid, promising an opening hand.
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- Question 1
(of 2 on this page)
Your LHO opened one Heart. Your partner overcalled 2 Hearts.
Whatever does he mean ?
3 ). He has 5 good Spades and 5 good cards in a minor
In the old days, this bid used to mean 20+ points, nothing else. Given opener has 12+, that's quite a rare situation. Much more useful is the 2-suited overcall requiring 8-15 HCP, and that's worth studying and using. (See bidding subject no. 171 and quiz B 0171).
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- Question 2
(of 2 on this page)
Your RHO opened one Heart. You overcalled one Spade, having the 7-Loser 13-HCP hand shown. Your partner then bid the enemy suit, calling 2 Hearts.
K Q J 9 2
4 2
A 10 2
K 9 3
Whatever does he mean ?1. He has 6 strong Hearts sitting on top of the enemy Hearts
2. He has 20+ points
3. He has 5 good Spades and 5 good cards in a minor
4. He's confused, or drunk, or both
5. He has an opening hand, and wants you to bid again
6. He has an opening hand,with 3-card support for your overcall, and wants you to bid again
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- Question 2
(of 2 on this page)
Your RHO opened one Heart. You overcalled one Spade, having the 7-Loser 13-HCP hand shown. Your partner then bid the enemy suit, calling 2 Hearts.
AnswerK Q J 9 2
4 2
A 10 2
K 9 3
Whatever does he mean ?
6 . He has an opening hand,with 3-card support for your overcall, and wants you to bid again
This is known as an unassuming cue bid, and is worth getting to know. Your partner doesn't know if your hand is weak or strong. He wants to know because he has an opening hand. (See bidding subject no. 173 and quiz B 0173).
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