Test your knowledge
Hand evaluation - Showing shape
- Question 1
(of 12 on this page)
With 4432 distribution, and the following two 4-card suits which would you bid first, as opener ?
- Question 1
(of 12 on this page)
With 4432 distribution, and the following two 4-card suits which would you bid first, as opener ?
up the line
if you intend to rebid NT, otherwise
up the line
up the line
up the line
up the line
- Question 2
(of 12 on this page)
With 5521 distribution, and two 5-card suits, which would you bid first, as opener ?
- Question 2
(of 12 on this page)
With 5521 distribution, and two 5-card suits, which would you bid first, as opener ?
1:, 2:
. Both down the line
- Question 3
(of 12 on this page)
You have two suits of equal length. When should you open the bidding with the highest ranking suit first ?
1. 4-card suits
2. 5-card suits
3. 6-card suits
4. it depends
- Question 3
(of 12 on this page)
You have two suits of equal length. When should you open the bidding with the highest ranking suit first ?
5 or 6. When you have two 5-card suits, or 6, you should bid the highest ranking first, whether it's a minor or a major.
- Question 4
(of 12 on this page)
You have two suits of equal length. When should you open the bidding with the lowest ranking suit first ?
1. 4-card suits
2. 5-card suits
3. it depends
- Question 4
(of 12 on this page)
You have two suits of equal length. When should you open the bidding with the lowest ranking suit first ?
1 . 4-card suits
Usually. Unless one is Hearts and the other is a minor, and you plan to rebid NT.
- Question 5
(of 12 on this page)
Same question, two suits of equal length, but you are now responding. Which first ?
1. 4-card suits
2. 5-card suits
- Question 5
(of 12 on this page)
Same question, two suits of equal length, but you are now responding. Which first ?
As responder, it's simpler. With 5-card suits again it's highest ranking first. With 4-card suits always bid the lowest ranking first.
- Question 6
(of 12 on this page)
You are opening with 2 suits of different length, 5 and 4. The 4-card suit is a Major, and the 5-card is a minor. Which should you bid first, as opener ?
1. 4-card Major
2. 5-card minor
- Question 6
(of 12 on this page)
You are opening with 2 suits of different length, 5 and 4. The 4-card suit is a Major, and the 5-card is a minor. Which should you bid first, as opener ?
2 . 5-card minor
The opener always starts with the longer suit
- Question 7
(of 12 on this page)
You are replying with 2 suits of different length, 5 and 4. The 4-card suit is a Major, which you can bid at the one level, and the 5-card is a minor, which you'll have to bid at the 2-level if you are going to bid it. You have 10+HCP. Which should you bid first, as responder ?
1. 4-card Major
2. 5-card minor
- Question 7
(of 12 on this page)
You are replying with 2 suits of different length, 5 and 4. The 4-card suit is a Major, which you can bid at the one level, and the 5-card is a minor, which you'll have to bid at the 2-level if you are going to bid it. You have 10+HCP. Which should you bid first, as responder ?
1 . 4-card Major
If you don't bid the 4-card Major you are in effect denying having it, based on the "skip over principle"
- Question 8
(of 12 on this page)
If you bid one suit A followed by another suit B of a lower denomination, how many cards are you guaranteeing in suit A and B ?
1. A=4, B=4
2. A=5, B=5
3. A=5, B=4
4. A=4, B=5
- Question 8
(of 12 on this page)
If you bid one suit A followed by another suit B of a lower denomination, how many cards are you guaranteeing in suit A and B ?
3 . A=5, B=4
- Question 9
(of 12 on this page)
So how would you show a 6-4 distribution, where the 6-card suit is suit A ?
1. AAB
2. ABA
3. ABB
- Question 9
(of 12 on this page)
So how would you show a 6-4 distribution, where the 6-card suit is suit A ?
2 . ABA
- Question 10
(of 12 on this page)
So how would you show a 6-5 distribution, where the 6-card suit is suit A ?
1. AAB
2. ABA
3. ABB
- Question 10
(of 12 on this page)
So how would you show a 6-5 distribution, where the 6-card suit is suit A ?
3 . ABB
- Question 11
(of 12 on this page)
As opener, how many cards do you need in a suit to rebid it immediately ?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
- Question 11
(of 12 on this page)
As opener, how many cards do you need in a suit to rebid it immediately ?
2 . 5
But you should also attempt to bid your second 4+ card suit first, if at all possible.
- Question 12
(of 12 on this page)
As responder, how many cards do you need in a suit to rebid it immediately ?
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
- Question 12
(of 12 on this page)
As responder, how many cards do you need in a suit to rebid it immediately ?
3 . 6
As responder, you should rebid with a 5-card suit only as a last resort