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Responder's 1st bids - Responding to pre-empt
- Question 1
(of 5 on this page)
Your LHO opened the bidding with a pass. Your partner then pre-empted with a bid of 3 Diamonds, and RHO passed. You are not vulnerable. You have this 15-HCP 7-loser hand
A 10 8
A 6 4 3
Q 2
K Q 7 6
What should you bid ?1. pass
2. 3 Hearts
3. 3 Spades
4. 3NT
5. 4 Clubs
6. 4 Diamonds
7. 4 Hearts
8. 4 Spades
9. 5 Clubs
10. 5 Diamonds
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- Answer 1
(of 5 on this page)
Your LHO opened the bidding with a pass. Your partner then pre-empted with a bid of 3 Diamonds, and RHO passed. You are not vulnerable. You have this 15-HCP 7-loser hand
( 4 ). 3NTA 10 8
A 6 4 3
Q 2
K Q 7 6
What should you bid ?
Your partner has 6 tricks in his hand, since you are not vulnerable. To make game in diamonds, you need another 5, which you don't quite have. However, game in No Trumps is a good bet, because you know that your partner has the Ace and King of diamonds within his 7-card suit. You can therefore count on winning 7 diamond tricks (unless the enemy has a 4-0 trump split), and three more tricks from the other suits which are all well stopped.
The key to your bid is to recall that your partner is in the second seat, and therefore is promising you at least 2 of the top 3 trumps.
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- Question 2
(of 5 on this page)
Your partner opened the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3 Hearts. You are not vulnerable You have this 10-HCP 9-loser hand
A 10 8
Q 2
A 6 4 3
9 8 7 6
What should you bid ?1. pass
2. 3 Spades
3. 3NT
4. 4 Clubs
5. 4 Diamonds
6. 4 Hearts
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- Answer 2
(of 5 on this page)
Your partner opened the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3 Hearts. You are not vulnerable You have this 10-HCP 9-loser hand
( 1 ). passA 10 8
Q 2
A 6 4 3
9 8 7 6
What should you bid ?
Your partner has promised a weak hand, with a 7-card Heart suit and enough to win 6 tricks on his own. With your Queen of trumps and 2 outside Aces you can see three more tricks in your hand. Time to breathe a sigh of relief.
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- Question 3
(of 5 on this page)
Your partner opened the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3 Hearts. You are vulnerable You have this 10-HCP 9-loser hand
A 10 8
Q 2
A 6 4 3
9 8 7 6
What should you bid ?1. pass
2. 3 Spades
3. 3NT
4. 4 Clubs
5. 4 Diamonds
6. 4 Hearts
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- Answer 3
(of 5 on this page)
Your partner opened the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3 Hearts. You are vulnerable You have this 10-HCP 9-loser hand
( 6 ). 4 HeartsA 10 8
Q 2
A 6 4 3
9 8 7 6
What should you bid ?
You have the same hand exactly as in the hand for Quiz no. B 0049 question 3, when you should have passed. This time your partner has again bid 3 Hearts, but his promise is different, because of the vulnerability. He's got a weak hand, with a 7-card Heart suit and enough to win 7 tricks on his own. With your Queen of trumps and 2 outside Aces you can see three more tricks in your hand. So you can raise to game.
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- Question 4
(of 5 on this page)
Your LHO opened the bidding with a pass. Your partner then pre-empted with a bid of 3 Diamonds, and RHO passed. You are not vulnerable. You have this 13-HCP 6-loser hand
A 8 6
A 10 4 3 2
K Q 7 6
What should you bid ?1. pass
2. 3 Hearts
3. 3 Spades
4. 3NT
5. 4 Clubs
6. 4 Diamonds
7. 4 Hearts
8. 4 Spades
9. 5 Clubs
10. 5 Diamonds
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- Answer 4
(of 5 on this page)
Your LHO opened the bidding with a pass. Your partner then pre-empted with a bid of 3 Diamonds, and RHO passed. You are not vulnerable. You have this 13-HCP 6-loser hand
( 4 ). 3NTA 8 6
A 10 4 3 2
K Q 7 6
What should you bid ?
Your partner has 6 tricks in his hand, since you are not vulnerable. To make game in diamonds, you need another 5, which you don't have. However, game in No Trumps might be worth thinking about. First, your partner must have 2 of the top 3 honours because he pre-empted in the second seat. Moreover you have the other 3 suits stopped. Looks as if you'll make 3 tricks from the suits you can stop. But the 6 tricks your partner has promised assumed that you have two diamonds - which you don't. What RHO has Q x x, or worse ? 3 NT is a bit of a flyer, but some people might no take the risk if vulnerable.
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- Question 5
(of 5 on this page)
Your partner opened the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3 Hearts. You are vulnerable. You have this 9-HCP 7-loser hand
A 10 2
Q J 9 8 5 4 2
Q 10 7
What should you bid ?1. pass
2. 3 NT
3. 4 Diamonds
4. 4 Hearts
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- Answer 5
(of 5 on this page)
Your partner opened the bidding with a pre-emptive bid of 3 Hearts. You are vulnerable. You have this 9-HCP 7-loser hand
( 1 ). passA 10 2
Q J 9 8 5 4 2
Q 10 7
What should you bid ?
You have your own pre-emptive hand, and you don't want to play in Hearts, since the enemy have probably got 6 of them. But Diamonds would have to be played at the 4-level, which could be worse. Remember that your partner is weak but that he calculated that a likely outcome would be to go down 2, rather then let the enemy win the auction. With your Ace it might only be one off. And the enemy might not double you.
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