+ | West |
A J 4 2 |
9 8 4 |
A 9 8 |
8 6 4 |
| North |
K Q 7 5 |
A Q 3 |
K 10 3 |
Q 10 9 |
+ | South |
10 3 |
K 7 5 |
Q J 7 5 |
A J 5 2 |
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Bridge Deal
from the deal bank
Vulnerability: N-S
R. Christmas 22
For use by: Elementary
Click on "q1" below to see question 1, and on "A1" to see the answer.
- Question
North has a balanced hand, 16 HCP. Why should he NOT open 1NT ?
- Question
North has a balanced hand, 16 HCP. Why should he NOT open 1NT ?
When using the weak NT convention, an opening of 1NT promises a balanced hand with 12-14 points. However, with more than 14 HCP, North should defer revealing his balanced hand until his second bid, and meanwhile choose his best suit (Spades) for the first round of bidding. If you are using Strong NT openings, that's different....open 1NT with 16 HCP.
- Question
South has a balanced hand and 11 HCP, with stops in all the unbid suits. Surely enough to go straight to game, 3NT ?
- Question
South has a balanced hand and 11 HCP, with stops in all the unbid suits. Surely enough to go straight to game, 3NT ?
No. North may only have 12 HCP, so 25 is not guaranteed. South should show that he is balanced, by bidding NT, inviting to game by bidding at the 2 level. Partner will convert to 3NT if he has enough power.
Note: In response to an opening bid of 1 Major (Hearts or Spades), the reply of 2NT is used by more advanced players to indicate quite a different thing (in a system called "Jacoby 2 NT"). Thus a better player will have to find something else to bid. In such a case South should probably mention his clubs at the 2 level (bid 4-card suits "up the line" ), indicating a 4+ card suit and 10+ points, allowing North to then bid 3NT if he has a balanced hand and enough power..... so, the desired result is still achieved.
- Question
North now knows that South has 11-12 HCP, balanced hand. Apart from bidding 3NT, are there any other higher options to go for, given that North now knows that the partnership has at least 27-28 HCP, i.e. more than the 25 needed for a 3NT game level contract ?
- Question
North now knows that South has 11-12 HCP, balanced hand. Apart from bidding 3NT, are there any other higher options to go for, given that North now knows that the partnership has at least 27-28 HCP, i.e. more than the 25 needed for a 3NT game level contract ?
No. There is nothing to be gained from a 4NT contract. Quite the contrary, only increased risk. Slam is out of the question, you're at least 5 HCP short, and credit will in any case be given for any overtricks.
Other people's bidding
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The card play
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Then make a plan! Think for a bit about how you'd play this contract.
Planning questions
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